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Skinner The Animal 5'10 x 21.45" x 40.2 Liters 5 FCS fins
Custom Digital Printed Fiberglass Art
The Animal is a ultra groveler designed to make surfing on days that you normally might not even paddle out fun. We've been watching the evolution of the softboard and how people choose to ride them in sub par conditions to have fun. They are incredibly floaty and pick up waves super easy, which we like. We wanted to take that idea and build a board that can capitalize on these ideas but add some more performance into the board.
Skinner Surfboards The Animal
Key Design Features: Extra Volume, Single Concave Middle, Vee thru and off the Tail. Thicker Tail Block for super easy wave catching, Wide Tail for instant speed on take off.
Skinner 5'10 x 21.45" x 40.2 Liters Epoxy 5 fin FCS2
Light Single Concave running into a Vee thru and off the tail.
5 FCS2 Fins boxes .
Designed to take your small wave surfing to the next level.
Made in the USA